Running is a tactical sport that needs adequate preparations, especially during winter. You need the right gear to help you exercise and keep your body in good shape. The kit applies to long-distance and sprint runners, and protects the cold from entering your body through the open sweat pores. This article suggests the best running gear you should have for your early morning or late evening run during the winter.


Getting the correct type of tights or leggings can help improve your endurance when running. The cold in winter needs thick leggings to maintain the heat within the body. They should also be soft to avoid body irritation, especially when your body pores open up. You can decide to buy one with pockets, although it is not necessary.

Ladies tights come in more appealing colours while men have classic dark colours. Each is specifically designed to fit in the vital body parts and avoid any discomfort when running.


Many sports gear companies have come up with innovative shoes to suit different climate patterns. The varieties make it hard to select the perfect one since they all look suitable for jogging. However, specific running shoes for the winter endures the running weight while keeping the warmth within.

Good winter running shoes should comfortably fit you, especially the big toe. They should have rugged treads to wade through the slippery surfaces. The inner sole must be soft on the part that touches the feet to prevent any friction caused by the rapid movement. Most importantly, the shoe cover must have breathable spaces to control the amount of air moving in and out of the feet.


The jacket must cover the whole upper body part. It should be light to prevent excessive sweating while regulating air entering the body through the open pores. Some runners prefer running jackets with hoodies since they keep the body warmth within. If you get one without a hoodie, consider putting on a baseball cap to protect your eyes from the direct light or rain droplets.

Some running jackets have breast pockets, while others have a back pocket. You might rarely use it since running while carrying something weighs the jacket down. Nevertheless, pick a comfortable running jacket that can reflect light, especially if you are an early morning runner.

Fitness Tracker

A fitness tracker is an essential tool for a runner as it quantifies your fitness levels. Although fitness enthusiasts wear it everywhere, its use is vital when running or doing other heavy exercises. The inbuilt GPRS records the distance and time, which calculates the speed rate. Such information is used to determine advanced fitness metrics such as the intensity level and speed over time.


The type of glasses you wear while running depends on the light intensity and eye visibility. Some also wear glasses to prevent airborne things from getting into their eyes. Irrespective of its use, there are specialise glasses for runners for every condition.

The most popular ones are the sunglasses, which runners use to protect their eyes from the piercing sun rays in the morning and the evening. Besides the tinted lenses, the glasses should be light, fog-resistant, durable and should cover the eyes entirely.


Just like the tights, gloves help keep in the body warmth. There are numerous gloves manufactured by different sports gear companies, each targeting a specific clientele. Asics running gloves provides a variety of sports gears whose mantra revolves around whole-body wellness. Just like gloves keeps our hands warm and comfortable while running, so does other running gears. Gloves, alongside other running gears, limits the surface area exposed to the winter cold.


Winter behaves differently depending on your location. Some countries, especially in the northern hemisphere, have a dense winter that limits visibility. It should not hinder you from enjoying your morning run. Get a headlamp with fog light bulbs to help with visibility.

Its weight should not exceed 2.4 ounces, while the material should be soft. The light produced should enable you to run through dense and pitch dark forests. Consider buying a headlamp whose battery life exceeds 40 hours before recharging.

By Carter Toni

BuzRush Staff