Kids grow and develop very fast. If you’re a parent, you may lose track of their growth because at one moment, they’re very little and helpless, and after a few weeks, they’re running all around and learning to do all sorts of activities. Watching your kid grow can be a pleasant experience. If you want your kid to grow into a responsible citizen, you need to enrol them in a preschool. Well, letting your kids stay in school the whole day can be quite scary. Right? While that may be true, the education they’ll get in a preschool will give them a foundation for other levels of learning.

Most preschools are filled with wonderful activities that keep preschool kids engaged and happy throughout the day. So, if you’ve been asking yourself whether it’s right to send your kids to these institutions, you’re in the right place. Just ensure that you read this article to the end to learn how preschool Singapore work and why they’re good.

How Preschools Work

The term preschool suggests that these institutions accommodate young children who’ve not started their formal education in kindergarten. Their main role is to lay a strong foundation for a kid’s academic career. They allow kids to interact with others of their age in a controlled and structured environment.

The age at which kids should begin attending preschool is between 3 and 5. However, this will also depend on how fast your kid matures. According to Patricia Henderson, you should ask people who know your kid better, such as your spouse, doctor, or nanny, some questions to determine whether your child is physically, socially, emotionally, and cognitively prepared. These questions include whether your kid is independent, has spent some time away from you, or whether they can work independently on projects. Your kids should also be accustomed to a routine, willing to participate in group activities with other children, and have the right stamina. If all these checkboxes tick, your kid is probably ready for school.

Depending on the institution where you enrol your kid, they may be subjected to whole-day or half-day programs. Some institutions may also allow you to select the days of the week you’d want your kids to attend school.

Why Preschool Is Good

Dealing with Kindergarten Anxiety

If you enrol your child in a kindergarten without taking them to a preschool first, they may find it difficult to adjust to the settings. Most kindergartens accommodate children for the whole day, and if your kid has never left home, they may be anxious to stay away from you for longer periods.

Preschools have a great environment that enables kids to adjust to a school setting. If they spend the whole day at school, they’ll learn how things work and find it easy to transit to the next grade. The education offered in preschool also lays a foundation for what they’ll be taught in kindergarten. Additionally, preschools make kids accustomed to new faces. This makes it easy for them to interact with people outside their family and will prepare them to meet new children in kindergarten.


Children are less likely to give up their personal items or share them with others when children are young. Although this is normal, it would be advisable if your child learned how to share things with others to enable them to coexist peacefully with other members of society. Sharing is a skill that your kid can learn when placed in a sharing situation. Enrolling them in a preschool near me in Laurel, MD, or local areas, can help your child learn this skill. The teachers in this institution will tell them why it’s important to share their items with their peers and how it will help them coexist. This will enable them to do this task willingly and readily without coercion.

Learning Various Languages

How did you feel when your child uttered their first words? Regardless of what the word was, you were definitely proud because you knew that at least your child would talk. Although people think that language development should happen spontaneously, it’s a skill that needs development. When your kid attends a preschool, they’ll learn how to speak quickly. This institution gives children the language basics to develop their vocabulary while still young and use words to communicate easily. Children who have a wide range of vocabulary find it easy to express themselves even in later years. And you probably heard that kids learn languages faster than adults, so it’s highly recommended to practice with kids to develop their language skills. Moreover, there are apps like FabuLingua, a Spanish learning app , helping in their first step to learning a new language.

Social Skill Development

Humans need to know how to interact with others because they’re social beings. A kid who doesn’t know how to communicate will find it difficult to talk to their peers and may suffer from loneliness. Preschools teach kids how to socialize at a tender age. Children learn how to use etiquette to interact with other kids and adults. They also learn how to play with others and positively resolve conflicts. Since children of the same age usually attend these institutions, it’s easy for them to relate to and learn how to get along.

Wrapping Up

Your kid keeps developing every day, and it’s important to fill their brains with useful information and skills that will help them grow into disciplined adults. Preschools can give your young ones everything they need to build their academic career and social life.

By Carter Toni

BuzRush Staff