Are you marketing your business with YouTube? Are you getting your desired results with your YouTube marketing?

YouTube is currently the most powerful online marketing platform in the global market. You can get consistent streams of traffic and tons of leads for your business, with YouTube. You can also make your sales boom with YouTube.

YouTube Marketing Ads

YouTube is a social media giant that has more than One Billion users globally. More and more people are watching videos and video ads on this platform every year. You have the best opportunity to market your business before your targeted audience, with YouTube.

The consumers have now migrated to video advertisements to make their purchases. You have strong opportunities to overtake your business competitors through YouTube business marketing.

How YouTube is good for your business?

YouTube is an online platform that has more than one billion unique visitors monthly. This platform has 300 hours of video uploads every minute. It has a video view of six billion hours every month. This makes YouTube the biggest video site and is the second largest search engine in this world, just next to Google. YouTube is an amazing force online.

This incredible video sharing functionality of YouTube makes it one of the biggest social media sites. YouTube is the premium site for online business marketing. You can reach to your audience faster to reap the benefits of your business.

YouTube Video Ads

YouTube Video Campaign

Different Kinds of YouTube Advertisements

Non Skippable Advertisements

These are the most forceful video ads on YouTube. The people are forced to watch these advertisements. These advertisements are 15 to 20 seconds long. Mainly, these are pre roll advertisement campaigns. It means to view the desired video content, the advertisement will appear later.

Non Skippable Advertisements
These video advertisements provides better engagement ratio, upon contact with visitors. But they also have higher view abandonment rate by the visitors. These advertisements must be created well and be well targeted, to avoid abandonment. Good advertisements have the opportunity to be shared on social media also.

Skippable advertisements

These are also known as TrueView Ads. They don’t force people to watch them. These are shown in either “In Stream” or “In Display” ways. The In Stream ads run for 15 to 30 seconds. These are pre roll ads, shown at the start of the video content. The In Display ads do not have a fixed maximum running time. These ads can take people directly to the YouTube video.

Skippable advertisements

You have to create videos for your YouTube advertisements first

You have to be aware of How to make YouTube ads. You cannot advertise on YouTube without videos. You can do it yourself or you can hire the services of some professionals to create videos for your YouTube ads.

Ads for YouTube video displays are a professional job. But it is You, who needs to create the script, because the video making professional will not know your product. You need to create the script for them perfectly, using precisely the sequence of script creation.

This sequence of script creation is Introduction to your product-Explaining the problem-Creating a Transition-Showing off your features- Asking people to sign up or buy-Answering to an objection- Using proof element to successfully close the deal.

If you want to create your ad yourself, you may take the help of YouTube “Adbuilder” tool. It will take you through the process of recording your advertisement. This tool helps you to handle every step, involved in recording an advertisement.

Now, you have to set up your YouTube advertisements

Did you create your videos, for your YouTube ads? Now you have to set them up successfully on YouTube. You might have created your ad videos either for Non Skippable or Skippable ads. You have to follow different processes for setting each of them.

How to set up Non Skippable ads

Non Skippable

You need to go first to your Adwords account. You will see a page, where you need to click on the “Campaign” button. You have to select the “Display Network Only” option.

Google Adwords Display


You then need to fill in some of the campaign details.

You need to select a location for your campaign then. Choose preferably a global location for your business marketing. You can change the location afterwards also.

global location for your business marketing

You have to focus on “Budget” then. It tells about the amount you are willing to spend on your ads daily. You can change the amount later also.


After filling the option, click on “Save and Continue” button.

You give your Ad group a proper name. You can then pick up the process of targeting your Ad group. This is how you select your audience that views your videos.

Ad group a proper name

You have to click on “Use a different targeting method” button, to choose a placement option. Then you can choose the “Placement” option.


You can now click on “Narrow your targeting further (optional)” button. This will help you to focus on the right people to show your ad.

advance options

You have to select “In Stream Video Ad”. This is the page where you upload your videos. This video can only be 15 to 20 seconds long.

Please check the video ad on your mobile device afterwards. It should be clear on a tiny screen also. You need to enter a “Display URL” and a “Landing Page URL”, for getting to your website where the visitors will be taken, when they click on your video. Never forget to click on “Save” on the top of the page.

Adwords will now approve your ad.

How to create a Skippable ad?

You need to go the home page of Adwords first. Select “Video” from the +Campaign drop down menu.

You enter a “Campaign name” and the budget of the campaign.

Non Skippable

Pick a location for your ad campaigns. Choose global location.

global location for your business marketing

You can pick the mobile device type, you need to target. More than half of your viewers use mobile to view your ad.

You have to click on “Save and Continue” now.

Name your Ad group. Paste in the link to the YouTube video, you are advertising.

You can create a great headline to give a call to your target audience. You can target your ads by Keywords. You need to add a perfect description for your video also.

ads by Keywords

You can then link your Adwords account to your YouTube channel. Adwords will approve your advertisement, after you click the “Finish” button.

How to optimize your campaigns?

You need to monitor your YouTube ads over time, as with all advertising campaigns, which includes social media campaigns also.

You must pay attention to view rate with Skippable ads.

If you see a low view rate, you may have to correct the following-

  • Headline needs to be improved, to be able to draw in people.
  • Description needs to encourage people to click.
  • Must improve your thumbnail image, to attract viewers.
  • People are no more seeing your video, as it might have gone old.

Pay attention to these corrections, to increase the view rate.

With Non Skippable Ads, you need to focus on-

Click through Rate, which will show if your ad is being shown to the right people.

If your CTR is low, you need to change your targeted audience. Or, your video needs improvement.

Your ads in YouTube must make you Earn money per click. Review if it is not happening.

You must be thorough in your approach. If your Click through rate or View rates are high, yet you are unable to generate leads from your Pre Roll campaigns, there must be some problem with your website, that needs improvement.

You can reduce your expenses on your advertisements by using the provided data. You can also improve your conversions, by being able to show your ad to more people. You need to keep refining your advertisement campaigns.

Remember these following tips to increase your business with YouTube marketing

  • Always fill your details properly and correctly.
  • Be conscious of using correct Keywords everywhere.
  • Copy only what already and really works.
  • Be careful of using great and attractive images.
  • Be conscious of delivering the value of your product first.
  • Never forget to add your URL to the descriptions.
  • Promote your videos vigorously.


You see, it is not difficult for you to make your business grow with YouTube marketing. It is doable. Just be committed and consistent. Keep on delivering value to your audience. Establish your authority to make your business reach the top.

Once you can handle these, YouTube ads will be very familiar to you.

Are you using YouTube for your business marketing now? Do you have exclusive experiences with YouTube marketing? How do you make ads for videos? Share with us and give your comments.

By Carter Toni

BuzRush Staff